From Richard Clark, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services:

Iowa does 1500.00 for behind the ear and 1400.00 for in the ear. We purchase through the Hearing Centers here in Iowa. We do take into consideration the digital cost that are getting much higher at this time and we can do an exception to policy if a more expensive one is required based on disability and work environment.

From Warren Granfor, North Dakota Vocational Rehab:

I can answer the first part of your question. Years ago, NDVR paid the Medicaid rate for hearing aids, but that became problematic when a client needed aids that weren’t covered by Medicaid and/or the audiologist was actually losing money on the deal. Now, we pay the invoice cost of the aid, plus a dispensing/fitting fee. If the invoice cost is less than $500 (very rare!) we pay the Medicaid rate for the fitting fee. Aids over $500, we pay a fitting fee of $911 per aid. That $911 will increase each July 1 by the same percentage that Medicaid increases their rates. We use the Medicaid rate to pay for ear molds, unless that ear mold is not covered by Medicaid (such as the power ear molds), in which case, we pay the billed amount. Attached is a one page ‘Standardized Procedure’ on our hearing aid purchases.

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From Heidi Henaire, State of Connecticut Bureau of Rehabilitation Services:

BRS will pay up to $800.00 per hearing aid for a consumer unless an exception is necessary and approved by myself (State Coordinator for the Deaf). Currently eight hearing aid manufacturers have greatly reduced their hearing aid rates for BRS purchase only. These manufacturers (Starkey, Widex, Unitron, Siemens, Oticon, Phonak, Sonic, and Resound) work directly with our audiologists, whom we purchase the hearing aids from. I will email our guidance for your review.

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From James Gears, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD):

OOD purchases at the State of Ohio Medicaid rate. If the aid that is necessary for the participant does not have a Medicaid rate then OOD pays the rate established by the provider. Ohio does not currently purchase aids directly from the manufacturers. OOD is moving towards this for eyeglasses and hearing aids is a potential expansion in the future. OOD would be interested in learning more from other States if they do purchase directly from manufacturers on how that would work. There was interest, possibly from Georgia, to put together a multi-State collaborative to purchase aids from manufacturers. We had some very brief discussion and it is not known if the other States were able to get this off the ground or not.

I am attaching a copy of our administrative rules that address hearing aid purchases.

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From Kellie Scott, KY-OVR:

We have purchase agreements with several manufacturers. We also only cover the first $1,000 associated with the hearing aids.

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From Toni Stine, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services:

Our hearing aid rates are broken down into 3 categories according to the level of technology. Basic $1,525 each, Midrange $1,825 each, or High $2,225. We do not purchase directly from the manufacturer because we do not buy that many at a time. We purchase through the hearing aid companies. Our hearing aid providers must include the audiogram with PTA and SRT calculated, a narrative report to include testing environment as well as testing certification of testing environment. They must include 2 but no more than 4 specific hearing aid recommendations. Hearing aid recommendations over the basic level will include justification of higher technology and manufacturer’s invoice clearing defining technology level to determine what level should be selected.

From Barbara Burkett, Va Dept. for Aging and Rehabilitatiave Services:

We send all requests for hearing aids to our audiologist @ our comprehensive center (Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center). She reviews requests. Her contact information is Susan Hansborough, 540-332-7090. I believe she has a system in place to obtain discounts.

Posted in: Policies