From Robyn Throlson, ND DVR:

The case reviews for counselor performance are conducted by their regional supervisor. If there are specific concerns or due to various other factors, the supervisor may request assistance from the QA staff as well. They are required to review at least 10% of the cases for veteran counselors and up to 100% for new counselors who are on probation or for those who are on a PIP.

From Kellie Scott, KY-OVR:

The supervisor reviews one case from each counselor each month (except January). We vary the topic each month based on the status, expenditure, etc. I will email the list we use but keep in mind it may change with the new WIOA common measures and performance indicators. Attachments: 12

From Jennifer Geuther, SD Division of Rehabilitation Services:

Reviewers consist of the assistant director, QA staff person, district supervisors, and some of our counselors (counselors and supervisors do not review cases from their own districts). A fixed number of cases are chosen from each caseload.

From Teresa Pitt, Idaho VR:

I am new to Idaho VR, I previously worked in Alaska VR for 22 years. We struggle with this issue, both in Idaho and in Alaska. We are evaluating our current case review process and trying to figure out how to balance reviewing counselor work for performance evaluations. I can tell you that prior to me arriving, managers were reviewing 100% of successful closed cases using a 100 question (appx) instrument, as well as reviewing a number of unsuccessful closures. ID is conducting regional reviews on a 3 year cycle. I want to change all of this and in fact have started to do that. But I don’t want a rebellion, so I’m doing it slowly. I would love to talk with you about this very issue – (208) 287-6466. I do have a plan, kind of.

From Janet Cool, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities:

VR Supervisors are responsible for completing case reviews for the purpose of performance evaluation. Monitoring and Compliance Unit staff complete a statistically significant sampling of cases for the purposes of program evaluation. Attachments: 12

From Craig Akin, Alabama Dept. Of Rehabilitation:

1.Both 2.Fixed number

From Mina Roller, Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation:

In Florida, various case reviews are conducted by Unit Supervisors, Area (regional) Supervisors, and myself (state HQ office). For the purpose of counselor performance evaluations, case reviews are completed by their direct supervisors (which would be the Unit Supervisors). I will email an attachment with more details.

From Curtis Glisson, AL Dept. of Rehab. Services:

We have 2 staff members from the main office that par 4 cases per VR Counselor per year and provide feedback to the local supervisor. The local supervisors par 24 cases per Counselor per year. 10 of those are randomly selected to use as part of their annual rating.

From Stephanie Jensen, Wyoming Vocational Rehabilitation:

Wyoming is a small population state. Both the counselor’s supervisor (who is the area manager) and the QA staff member review the cases. The supervisor and the QA staff member look at different things. For the QA staff, two files are reviewed per counselor per quarter, three quarters a year. The QA reviews may or may not figure into the performance evaluations.

From Mariah Krueger, Alaska Division of Voc. Rehab.:

Please see the information attached. Attachments: 12

From Andrew Clemons, Washington DVR:

Washington DVR does not include the results of case reviews in counselor performance evaluations. However, DVR does conduct two tiers of case reviews.

The first tier is conducted by VR Supervisors with their counselors. These supervisor reviews happen monthly and are intended to provide ongoing oversight, relationship building, and coaching opportunities. DVR supervisors use these case reviews to help determine staff training needs and performance challenges. Many supervisors will utilize case review findings to evaluate staff performance, through there is no specific requirement to do so.

The second tier of case reviews is conducted at the statewide level for quality assurance purposes. For the statewide reviews, one closed-rehabilitated and one closed-other-after-plan case is randomly selected from each counselor’s caseload and reviewed using a standard tool. These findings are disseminated and used to inform DVR’s improvement priorities. However, like the supervisors’ reviews, there is no direct link between these findings and individual counselors’ performance evaluations.

Upon reviewing your inquiry, I do believe that case review findings could be very valuable as part of performance reviews. DVR would be interested in learning more about Nevada’s process and any improvements made as a result of this inquiry; please share, as you are able.

From Cecilia Hockett, GVRA:

The Counselor supervisor conducts quarterly reviews and the policy/QA unit conducts annual reviews from a sampling of the reviews done by the supervisors. Usually two cases per counselor are reviewed each quarter. Additional reviews are conducted as requested by VR management.

From Victoria Drake, Depart of Rehab Services Oklahoma:

In Oklahoma, the Field Coordinators, and Program Managers conduct their own reviews of the counselors case files. I think they only do 2-5 per counselor. Whereas QA Unit of which I belong does a stratified random pull of 35% each month, and there are 2 full time QA’s that audit those closed cases for compliance. We either audit 10% up to 15% of that pull. I feel that we do a better job of auditing because they do not know which cases we are going to audit, where the others tell their counselors what cases to get ready for the audits. Which I think does not give a good picture of counselor performance as evidenced by our results.

From Tracy Brigham, OK DRS:

In Oklahoma we have a Quality Assurance unit who reviews closed cases by random selection and they specifically review for RSA guideline compliance. The Field Coordinators and Programs Managers review open cases by random selection for content in regard to the client/counselor relationship.

From Verline Davis, Arkansas Rehab Services:

Arkansas Rehab QA Team conduct case reviews for counselor, the counselor’s supervisors also conduct peer reviews. The QA Team reviews 5 cases per counselor for the previous year in status 18. A report is compiled from the findings to develop training needs, identify compliance issues and to improve the quality of service deliverance.

From Douglas Morton, Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services:

Illinois VR conducts case reviews for quality assurance purposes through its QA unit. Feedback from the QA reviews are provided to office supervisors for purpose of improving staff performance, although not specifically for purposes of staff performance evaluations. Office supervisors also conduct case reviews each month (typically one or two per counselor) and utilize that information as part of an interactive process with counselors. The extent to which office supervisors utilize case review information in counselor performance reviews is not standardized.

From Elizabeth White, Bureau of Services for Blind Persons:

Our regional managers do case file reviews, at minimum quarterly, as we also meet weekly with staff on cases. We also have a Central office staff who also does annual reviews of random cases for each office. We try to review a mixed portion, but to hopefully actually look at 30-50% of a caseload, between the 5 formal reviews, a year. We have also done group reviews with different counselors and managers together looking at cases that aren’t their own with written feedback.

From Scott Fraley, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services:

In VA the 2 of us (QA) look at 6 closed rehab and 4 open cases per counselor. we then meet w/the counselor and manager.

From Tim Gravier, Missouri DVR:

A combination of QA staff and periodic peer reviewers which are facilitated by QA – generally about 10 other staff made up of counselors, supervisors, central office staff reviewing targeted topics to review. QA reviews district office cases/counselors new and experienced. Results of all reviews regularly update a report I created which directly relates to areas on a counselor’s yearly performance appraisal. If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to call me at 314-587-4855. We are hoping to present at the QA Summit in September.

From Richard Clark, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services:

In Iowa we review 10 files from each staff as a QA team. The supervisor does not do the QA review. We do this yearly. The QA team consist of the Chief, Assitant Chief and 3 resource managers.

From Lynn Ritter, Florida Division of Blind Services:

For performance evaluations Supervisors perform 2 case reviews per caseload per month. We have a review form that rates each question. We enter the scores into a spreadsheet that calculates the overall rating for the case. We require a minimum 90% compliance rate.

Posted in: Case File Reviews