From Janet Cool, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities:

No. Ohio VR completes consumer surveys with internal staff.

From Steve Collins, Florida Division of Vocatinal Rehabilitation – General:

Florida General is in the process of finalizing a contract based on the ITN below. You can access the ITN by clicking on the link at A summary of the deliverables begins on page 21 of the ITN, called – Attachment ‘1’ – RESPONDENT’S PRICE REPLY

From Susan Wells, VT Division of Vocational Rehabilitation:

We have for many years contracted with Market Decisions in Maine. I will send the RFP and a sample of their report. They are excellent.

Attachments: 12

From Jennifer Beilke, MN State Services for the Blind:

MN SSB has developed it’s own survey but contracts with an outside agency to do the calling and contacting clients. The raw data from the contractor is sent to our state department for coding and then it’s sent to SSB.

From Barbara Boese, Delaware VR:

No RFP for satisfaction surveys but a statewide RFP for verifying employment of consumers served by Dept of Labour, Employment & Training, Unemployment Insurance, Family Court and VR. Any state agency that needs to verify employment of clients.

From Michael Shoemaker, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation:

At this time, Utah’s Vocational Rehabilitation agency sends out the consumer satisfaction survey. We have not contracted out the ongoing consumer satisfaction survey before.

Posted in: Client Surveys