From Jennifer Geuther, SD Division of Rehabilitation Services:

South Dakota is in the process of completing an employer questionnaire that will be distributed to employers and employer organizations in order to obtain workforce and/or technical needs within the realm of disability related information. An employer survey is also being developed to distribute to employers following contacts or meetings with them. The results of the questionnaire and the survey will be used for determining outreach needs.

From Richard Clark, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services:

In Iowa we have a position designed to communicate with Businesses throughout the state and through that position we get a lot of feedback. We also hold Community Conversations where we go to the communities and have an open forum to gain further information. Through these conversations we learn of gaps and then try to bring in team members such as businesses to build plans on how to better meet their needs. These have been very effective.

From Teresa Pitt, Idaho VR:

Sorry Steve, we have not created this survey, however it would be helpful if you could share whatever is shared with you. This will be even more important with WIOA.

From Barbara Boese, DE VR:

No available data.

From Don Kay, Washington State DVR:

Hi Steve, attached is an Employer Survey that we conducted in 2009. While it’s not recent, I believe the general info is still fairly relevant.

The first attachment is a 2009 Employer Survey that we conducted, and the second attachment is a 2013 Employer Survey conducted by our State Workforce Board; it is not VR-specific but has good info about employer hiring priorities and needs.

Attachments: 12

From HarrietAnn Litwin, Delaware DVR (DE general):

We use a consumer satisfaction survey. I assume that is what you mean. I will attach the most recent version. It is “short and sweet.” We mail it with the closure letter to both successfully rehabilitated (aka 26) and a slightly different one to those not rehabilitated (aka 28). A postage paid business return envelop is also attached.

Attachments: 12

Posted in: Employer Relations