Question Submitted by: HarrietAnn Litwin
Organization: Delaware Div. of Vocational Rehabilitation
Response From Audrey Merten, Wisconsin VR
Wisconsin’s DVR is in the beginning stages of obtaining National Student Clearing House (NSCH) data; thus far, we’ve received one batch file returned from them via a data-sharing agreement, and we continue to analyze that data. Our Department of Workforce Development is working on a new agreement with NSCH. We were under the impression that NSCH only provides information from postsecondary institutions. We look forward to hearing from other states if, in fact, secondary information is also available.
Response From Mitchel Close, South Dakota VR
No, South Dakota VR currently does not get information about HS credentials or MSG in HS from the National Student Clearinghouse. We do currently get postsecondary credential verification from the clearinghouse. I am interested in learning how/if HS records can be obtained from the clearinghouse, though. Thanks!
Response From Ronald Barcikowski, Oregon VR
Not exactly, I am using the National Student Clearinghouse to obtain information about enrollments for clients who obtained a high school diploma. If they enrolled or obtained a credential while still in the VR program I would probably pick that up as well.
Posted in: Data Management, Transition Services