From Margaret Alewine, SC Vocational Rehabilitation Dept:

We are currently in the beginning stages of updating counselor performance documents. We have addressed other staff positions, such as business development specialists, in support of WIOA expectations. We wanted to have at least a beginning framework for benchmarking new performance data before updating the counselor documents.

From Jessica Lanese, Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation:

In early 2017, Florida DVR completely redesigned performance expectations for most of our field staff. Our main goal was to create performance expectations that allowed field staff and their supervisors the flexibility to manage their workload in a way that best serves our customers; however, we began the redesign with an overview and brainstorming session related to the common performance measures and the product of this session was referenced throughout the project. So, while WIOA requirements and the new common performance measures are tied to core metrics for staff, direct links between requirements and duties do not exist for all tasks. The new performance expectations were implemented in September 2017 and evaluations will take place in July 2018 for the September 2017 – June 2018 review period. We anticipate that these expectations will be in place at least until expected levels of performance are negotiated for the common performance measures.

From Kara Lang, Nevada Rehabilitation Division/BVR/BSBVI:

I am attaching a copy of Nevada’s revised WPS’, that WINTAC assisted us in developing. The three attachments are all used for the counselor’s evaluation. Answers to the case review questions are calculated on the master tabulation spread sheet and provides the “score” for the counselor’s evaluation.

Attachments: 1

From Ron Barcikowski, Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation:

If you are talking specifically about each counselor’s performance evaluation, subject to pay raises, etc, we have done nothing. However, in terms of releasing counselor reports that address their performance on the WIOA standards and WIOA proxy measures for the standards, we have been doing that for about year and a half.

Posted in: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act